Together for a healthier life

Oxytetracycline HCl

Neo-cycline (Neomycin & Oxytetracycline Uterine Infusion) Neo-cycline

(Neomycin and Oxytetracycline Uterine Infusion Veterinary with Estradiol benzoate for cows, horses, camels, sheep and goats. [»]
[Uterine syringe][Cattle / Cows][Goats][Sheep][Horses][Camel]

Neo Tetramycine Intramammary Sealant Neo-tetramycine

Neo Tetramycine Intramammary Sealant / Infusion veterinary for udder (Oxytetracycline HCl, Neomycin Sulphate) for Camel, Horses, Cattle / Cows, goats, Sheep [»]
[Udder intramammary sealant][Cattle / Cows][Goats][Sheep][Horses][Camel]

Neo-tetramycine Powder (vitamins and antibiotic veterinary) Neo-tetramycine Powder

Neo-tetramycine powder vitamins and antibiotic veterinary for poultry, and bees [»]

Oxytetracycline 10% Powder veterinary Oxytetracycline 10%

Oxytetracycline 10% Powder veterinary (Oxytetracycline HCl) for Calf, Lamb, Poultry [»]

Oxytetracycline 20% Powder veterinary Oxytetracycline 20%

Oxytetracycline 20% Powder veterinary (Oxytetracycline HCl) for Poultry, Bees [»]

Simaclone (Oxytetracycline and Diclofenac injection) Simaclone

(Oxytetracycline and Diclofenac injection veterinary): It treats pneumonia, pasteurella, hoofs, joint diseases, udder and uterine infections. [»]
[Injection][Cattle / Cows][Goats][Sheep][Camel][New Products]

Tema-Cycline (Oxytetracycline Tablets Veterinary) Tema-Cycline

(oxytetracycline tablets veterinary) for Camel, Horses, Calf, Cattle / Cows, Sheep, Dogs, Cats [»]
[Tablets][Cattle / Cows][Sheep][Calf][Horses][Camel][Dogs][Cats]

Tema-Cycline compound Oxytetracycline and Estradiol Tablets Tema-Cycline compound

(Oxytetracycline and Estradiol Tablets veterinary) for Camel, Horses, Cattle, Cows, Sheep [»]
[Tablets][Cattle / Cows][Sheep][Horses][Camel]

Tetragen (Gentian violet and Oxytetracycline spray) Tetragen

(Gentian violet and Oxytetracycline spray veterinary) for the treatment of wounds, skin ulcers, and ulcers between the feet. [»]
[Infinitesimal Mist][Ruminants][Poultry][Dogs][Cats]

Tetramycine 10% (Oxytetracycline HCl injection veterinary) Tetramycine 10%

(Oxytetracycline HCl injection veterinary) for all bacterial infections: intestinal infections, urinary infections, and mastitis. [»]
[Injection][Cattle / Cows][Goats][Sheep][Calf][Lamb][Horses][Camel][Dogs][Cats]

Tetramycine 20%SA Injection veterinary Tetramycine 20%SA

Tetramycine 20%SA Injection veterinary (Oxytetracycline HCl) It is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, effective against G+ and G- bacteria... [»]
[Injection][Cattle / Cows][Goats][Sheep][Calf][Camel]

Tetramycine 30% (Oxytetracycline injection veterinary) Tetramycine 30%

(Oxytetracycline injection veterinary) for all bacterial infections: intestinal infections, urinary infections, and mastitis. [»]
[Injection][Ruminants][Cattle / Cows][Goats][Sheep][Calf][Lamb][Horses][Camel][Dogs][Cats]

Tetramycine 5% Injection veterinary Tetramycine 5%

Tetramycine 5% Injection veterinary (Oxytetracycline HCl): It is for all bacterial infections, intestines, urinary infections, and udder infections. [»]
[Injection][Cattle / Cows][Sheep][Lamb][Horses][Dogs][Cats]

Tetramycine Injection for Horses 5% Tetramycine 5% for Horses

Tetramycine Injection for Horses: Oxytetracycline HCl 5%: It is for microbial infections, intestinal infections, and urinary infections in horses. [»]

Tetraxine (Oxytetracycline, Flunixin meglumine Injection) Tetraxine

(Oxytetracycline, Flunixin meglumine Injection veterinary): It is for long-term treatment of infection caused by bacteria sensitive to oxytetracycline. [»]
