Aminaz (Amitraz EC Veterinary): It is external antiparasitic for control various types of scabies, ticks, lice, fleas, flies and other insects infect animals.
Generic Name:
Dosage Form:
[Emulsifiable Concentrate]
External antiparasitic
100, 250, 500, 1000 ml
Indications of Aminaz (Amitraz EC Veterinary):
It is used to control various types of scabies, ticks, lice, fleas, flies and other insects that infect cattle, camels, sheep, goats and dogs.
Usage and dosage for Aminaz (Amitraz EC Veterinary):
Cows and camels: Ticks: 1 L / 1100 L of water used 7-10 days Scabies: 1 L / 800 L of water used from 12 days Compensation is made with half of the initial amount Sheep and goats: ticks: 1 L / 1100 L of water, used as needed Scabies and lice: 1 L /400 L water used every 10-12 days. Dogs: 1 L/400 L of water used every 10 days. Compensation is made with half of the initial amount
Useful Links:
First aid:
1 liter
Each 1ml contains:
Amitraz | 200 | mg |