Together for a healthier life

Solovit fort

Solovit fort Oral Liquid veterinary

Solovit fort Oral Liquid veterinary (Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Vitamin E) for Horses, Calf, Cattle / Cows, Goat, Sheep, Poultry

Generic Name:

Vitamin A + Vitamin D3 + Vitamin E

Dosage Form:

[Oral Liquid]





Indications of Solovit fort Oral Liquid veterinary:

Symptoms of deficiency of vitamins (A, D3, E, C) to increase the production of eggs and power, to increase the resistance of contagious diseases, increase the growth, after exposure to excessive heat or cold or moisture, after vaccination and treatment by antiparasitic in poultry, cows, horses, calves, colts, sheep, goats and rabbits.

Usage and dosage for Solovit fort Oral Liquid veterinary:

It is used orally:
Poultry: 50ml/200Lwater for 3 days.
Cows ,horses:  10ml/animal for3days.
Calves, colts:  5ml/animal for3days.
Sheep and goats:  1-2ml/animal for 3 days. 
Rabbits :   0.1ml /animal for 3days.


Each 1ml contains:
Vitamin A100000 IU
Vitamin D350000 IU
Vitamin E40 mg