Together for a healthier life


Dexasone Injection veterinary

* Dexasone Injection veterinary is for rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, acute hepatitis, septic diseases, diseases of the ear, nose, throat, haemorrhages...

Generic Name:

Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate

Dosage Form:





10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 100ml

Mode of action or general info:

Dexamethasone is one of the glucocorticoids and one of the strongest compounds known as anti-inflammatory, it is stronger than cortisone 35 times and both are used in the same cases.

Indications of Dexasone Injection veterinary:

Acute and chronic rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, acute hepatitis, acute septic diseases, diseases of the ear, nose, and throat, as well as haemorrhages, shock, stress, poisoning, eczema, laminitis, and acute mastitis.


This medicine is not prescribed if the animal suffers from one of the following conditions:
* Diabetic, * Muscle atrophy, 	* Skin atrophy, 	* Kidney failure, 
* Heart muscle weakness, 	* Osteoporosis, 	* A corneal ulcer
* Severe sensitivity to the active ingredient of this drug
* It is not used in the last third of pregnancy

Side Effects:

Sodium retention is possible to cause oedema.
Strong inhibition of the hypophysis gland that causes.
inhibition of the adrenal cortex.

Usage and dosage for Dexasone Injection veterinary:

For intramuscular injection, subcutaneous injection & Slow intravenous injection:
Horses & cows: 5-10ml.
Sheep & calves: 2ml 
Dogs & cats: 0,25ml.
(Treatment period is according to vet's advice)

Withdrawal Period:

For milk :3 days 
For meat: 5 days.


Each 1ml contains:
Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate2 mg