Together for a healthier life

Amoxicillin trihydrate

Amoxicillin veterinary powder 10% Amoxicillin 10%

Amoxicillin veterinary powder 10%: It treats salmonella, gastrointestinal, respiratory infections urinary and biliary passages infections. [»]

Amoxicillin LA 15% Injection veterinary Amoxicillin LA 15%

Amoxicillin LA 15% Injection veterinary (Amoxicillin trihydrate) for Camel, Horses, Calf, Cattle / Cows, Goat, Sheep, Dogs, Cats [»]
[Injection][Cattle / Cows][Goats][Sheep][Calf][Horses][Camel][Dogs][Cats]

Maxigen (Gentamicin and Amoxicillin injection veterinary) Maxigen

(Gentamicin and Amoxicillin injection veterinary): It is used against Pneumonia, diarrhea, bacterial enteritis, mastitis and uterus inflammation. [»]
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